Okay.. I do part time modelling to feed my creative side because my job is platonic and boring. When i say part time, its like twice a year. I answered an ad for a model and it said it may involve nudity. Met the french photograper this weekend for the go see & saw her work. Let me tell you, It was FULL ON - but i must admit quite tasteful. Her passion is Nude Photography, now I haven't met anyone with such passion - let alone a female. So she liked me and would like to have me pose for her Dark Panther shoot. Its for the world to see as she is competing for the Photography Exhibition in Sydney & the photo will be displayed in the meseum for 1 month. To add to that, she is also a teacher and will be having 6 photography students to take pictures along with her. My boyfriend has been the sweetest man and only says, its up to you baby. Cute, I know - but really? Would I go nude for $200 for 4-6 hours of photography? The lady clearly said - the poses are my choice. I can cover anything that bothers me. Umm... everything? I have until tomorrow to decide.. and I have a feeling I am going to say, NO. Don't feel like being a Yes man on this one.